Dry Hydrant’s

Q. What is a dry hydrant?
  A. Technically, a dry hydrant is a fire hydrant that is connected to a water source, but the water is not directly at the outlet(s). Water must be drafted by using the suction power of a pump.
Q. Why should you want one?
  A. By having a dry hydrant on your property, we can dramatically decrease the time needed to establish a water source to fight a fire. Also, it may qualify you for a discount on your homeowner’s insurance; check with your agent for details.
Q. How much does a dry hydrant cost?
  A. The cost can vary greatly, depending upon factors such as the distance from the water source to the road. There is no cost to you. All costs are paid for by the fire company, although we are sometimes able to get a portion of the labor costs donated.
Q. How do you get a dry hydrant installed on your property?
  A. We are always looking for reliable water sources, and would be happy to discuss this possibility with you. Please understand that due to cost, we cannot install a dry hydrant at every available site. To inquire, please send an email to the fire chief.